¡¡Os recuerdo a los alumn@s de 6º que tenéis que enviarme a mi correo, durante esta semana y la próxima, los pantallazos de haber realizado los juegos de Easter!! (Poned un poquito de interés y si en algún juego os da muy malos resultados, repetidlo y me mandáis el pantallazo de algún buen resultado). Happy Easter Holidays!!


El día 1 de abril los/as alumnos/as de 4º, 5º y 6º de Primaria vamos a realizar una salida a la Casa de la Cultura para ver una obra de teatro en inglés (play). El año pasado también hicimos esta actividad y nos gustó mucho. ¡¡Así que vamos a repetir la experiencia!!

Esta vez la obra de teatro es: "The Legend of King Arthur" (la leyenda del Rey Arturo):
The year is 726 and England is desperately seeking a new leader. Arthur becomes King when he takes the mythical sword Excalibur from it's stone. From here on in he will have to confront Morgan Le Fay (his half sister) who wants to strip him of his power. At the same time Gwynevere, Arthur's new wife, knows where to find the famous Holy Grail that brings eternal liife to whoever drinks from it. Morgan kdnaps Gwynevere and takes her to her cave to get the information from her.. Arthur, his knights (some fortunate mebers of the audience) and Merlin the magician begin a desperate search for Gwynevere and the Grail. Join us on this hilarious adventure to find out who gets there first!

Games and activities to revise how to describe people:

Describing people (I)
Describing people (II)
Describing people (III)
Describing people (IV)
Who is it?
Four ladies (solo la primera actividad)

Games and activities to revise vocabulary related to places/cities:

Places - shops
Places in the community
Memory game
What's gone?
Noughts and crosses
On the street

Games and activities to revise numbers:

Numbers 1-100
Numbers +100
Ordinal numbers

Nunca viene mal revisar un poco de gramática. La gramática nos ayuda a construir frases y textos para poder comunicarnos.

Aquí os dejo algunas actividades de repaso:

Verb "TO BE". Present tense

Verb "TO BE". Past tense


There is / there are

Past simple: Regular verbs